Cinder by Marissa Meyer
If you guys couldn't tell, I'm a big sucker for dystopian fiction. There's just something about future worlds that I can't get enough of. I love seeing all kinds of advanced technology and seeing how different authors create these futuristic worlds. In Cinder, Marissa Meyer has created a very unique and fantastic setting and lovable characters.
I adored Cinder. Right off the bat she reminded me of Raven Reyes from The 100 l, and not just because she is a mechanic. Cinder is strong and extremely resilient, as she has had a very difficult life but, still has hope for a better life someday. It was so cool ho she is a cyborg, even though it is considered taboo by society. She may not be able to cry or blush but, the fact that she could tell when people were lying was so awesome. Not to mention, she is immune to the plague.
The relationship she had with her stepsister, Peony, and her robot Iako was so sweet and I loved that for once there was a nice stepsister in a Cinderella story. I also loved that Iako had a personality as well and wasn't just a machine.
It was absolutely heartbreaking that Cinder missed curing Peony of the plague by minutes. On the other hand though, she was smart enough to know that she was too late and instead gave it to the little boy from the market and it actually cures him. I'm curious to see what happens with him next.
Adri and Pearl were absolutely despicable. They were just so cruel and petty and they really didn't seem to care a whole lot when Peony died. I hope they both catch the plague.
The romance between Cinder in Kai was pretty cute and I got the sense at the end that he didn't care that she was a cyborg and if he knew her full story probably wouldn't care that she was lunar either. At the end he has Cinder locked up but, I'm almost certain that it is to ensure that Levanna can't kill her right away. I'm holding out hope that he finds a way to help her escape in the next book.
Queen Levanna was terrifying but, it sort of confused me that she felt like she had to marry Kai in order to become the new empress. She's is more than powerful enough that she could easily just take the throne, despite the treaty she has with Earth. If she really wanted it, it would not be that difficult.
The plot twist of finding out that Cinder was actually the missing lunar princess was a little predictable but, I didn't mind it and it fit in well with the story. I really hope that her people start to find out that she's alive and try to take back the lunar throne. I'm also kind of hoping that Cinder regains some of her memories as the story goes on.
I loved that we were introduced to other characters that may come into play later on in the story, like Cress. I'm also curious as to what else Levanna has in her mutant army and how that will come into play.
Cinder was a great opening to what I assume is going to be an awesome series. I can't wait to see what happens next and how Cinder's story will continue. The possibility of her going to Africa to work with the doctor is really intriguing and I can't wait to see what the characters discover in the future and what will happen next.
Rating: 4.5/5 stars